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[Main Class] Summoner
Just gon say this now.

No promoted class has "Main Class Only" requirements. Let's not start that trend now.

What I could see from Grand Summoner is that if it's your sub class (Like Monk, and LB do) it only gives 7.5 (7 one turn, 8 the next). That will, at most, give 14-15 FP per turn with Capacity maxed out. Which is, again, enough to support 1 Youkai.

What I could see as another 'main class' sort of thing is Sync Mind. Not so much that "U CANT USE YOUKAI SKILLS" No. But more that you don't gain access to their passive benefits naturally. Which means that with a Youkai like Drowned Woman, you only get Drown. You can't install with her either because No-Main-Class.

The only youkai I can currently see this being an issue with is Vampire Legume. At that point, it will simply be a matter of swapping around his FIRST and SECOND Youkai Skills. So that he's useful to have if someone immoblizes you, just sort of useless otherwise.

It won't outright lock Sub-Class summoners out of being able to perform their Youkai Attacks, but it will lock them out of being able to get 50 passives. Which was sort of the problem with having a ton of youkai in the first place.

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