01-16-2016, 01:26 AM
I made the fatal mistake of trying to type this topic up here instead of somewhere else and lost it all when I accidentally closed the tab. So, this isn't going to be the glorious walls of text that I had written in persuasive essay form. Let's make this quick, instead.
tl;dr IC actions should have consequences so that there's some semblance of sanity, but those consequences shouldn't end up being so unnecessarily overbearing that one is forced to play on other characters or just not play at all. One's character shouldn't be imprisoned for over an OOC week for creating conflict that is (usually) RP-provoking and promotes development in both individual characters and the world of those characters. I feel that there are two directions that this can take: You can either implement other ways for players to create conflict and make their own events (that aren't petty crimes in public) and deaths would become a more legitimate option (even if those that are dying don't want to die), or the prison sentences need to be capped out at ~3 OOC days or just not be additive in nature.
Both have pros and cons, but I personally prefer the former because I don't really want long prison sentences/execution to go away... because that'd be removing a huge chunk of the last bit of plot progression that the game has. I would rather that there be more plot progressing aspects to the game and for there to be more risks for people's characters on top of the risk of arrest/rotting in jail/etc, because the RP that guards currently generate cannot satisfy the potential of the game on it's own. For example- nowadays, if Y threatens to kill X's lover and X beats the shit out of Y for it, Y just has to not OOC’ly consent to being killed, report the incident to a guard, and bam- X will likely go to prison and Y likely will not. I want to see the game get to the point where what you say and do around people in general requires some level of foresight and hesitation that is similar to how most characters conduct themselves when guards are around, and where you can face consequences from fellow players for grievances that you can currently get away with due to a lack of tools and restrictive guidelines.
So, basically, more avenues for conflict (such as event tools given to a player that is designated as an arc villain or antagonist) and looser rules in regards to maiming/killing others.
That, in my mind, is ideal. If that happened, I wouldn't mind sitting in jail for a week because it’s my 5th time being arrested. But if the game isn't made more interesting/compelling in respects to conflict and plot, then I would really rather not be pseudo-banned for attempting to create conflict/plot in an atmosphere that is sorely lacking in both.
tl;dr IC actions should have consequences so that there's some semblance of sanity, but those consequences shouldn't end up being so unnecessarily overbearing that one is forced to play on other characters or just not play at all. One's character shouldn't be imprisoned for over an OOC week for creating conflict that is (usually) RP-provoking and promotes development in both individual characters and the world of those characters. I feel that there are two directions that this can take: You can either implement other ways for players to create conflict and make their own events (that aren't petty crimes in public) and deaths would become a more legitimate option (even if those that are dying don't want to die), or the prison sentences need to be capped out at ~3 OOC days or just not be additive in nature.
Both have pros and cons, but I personally prefer the former because I don't really want long prison sentences/execution to go away... because that'd be removing a huge chunk of the last bit of plot progression that the game has. I would rather that there be more plot progressing aspects to the game and for there to be more risks for people's characters on top of the risk of arrest/rotting in jail/etc, because the RP that guards currently generate cannot satisfy the potential of the game on it's own. For example- nowadays, if Y threatens to kill X's lover and X beats the shit out of Y for it, Y just has to not OOC’ly consent to being killed, report the incident to a guard, and bam- X will likely go to prison and Y likely will not. I want to see the game get to the point where what you say and do around people in general requires some level of foresight and hesitation that is similar to how most characters conduct themselves when guards are around, and where you can face consequences from fellow players for grievances that you can currently get away with due to a lack of tools and restrictive guidelines.
So, basically, more avenues for conflict (such as event tools given to a player that is designated as an arc villain or antagonist) and looser rules in regards to maiming/killing others.
That, in my mind, is ideal. If that happened, I wouldn't mind sitting in jail for a week because it’s my 5th time being arrested. But if the game isn't made more interesting/compelling in respects to conflict and plot, then I would really rather not be pseudo-banned for attempting to create conflict/plot in an atmosphere that is sorely lacking in both.
"Take it for granted. I dare you."