01-16-2016, 07:01 AM
Quote:The setting does impact whether or not it's slice of life. There is a massive amount of Dev's lore that is either ignored or skirted around for the convenience of roleplay, and it's usually done for the sake of slice of life RP. For example, everything I found here? None of it really applies because no one forces you to abide by them. Magic gunners aren't reticent to use magic bullets despite the rumors that they shorten your lifespan, no one uses Wraithguard due to fear of death (it's often used numerous times in very casual situations, actually), and certainly no one cares that firearms in general are supposed to be a revolutionary weapon that the average person is uneasy/unfamiliar with compared to a sword.
I don't really have much of an opinion on the topic of the OP (honestly I sort of skimmed since it seemed like something in Chaos' department) but I will say that all the stuff listed there and a lot of the stuff (but not all) is optional fluff; I mainly leave it there to give people ideas and options in their roleplay rather than force them to play a certain way. If no one else does it then you could be the first.
As for the slice of life/static plot stuff, I admit that I would like to start doing things more that influence the world or plot as a whole. I never really intended for it to be so unshifting for so long, but working on other areas of the game has had that effect.
Anyway, carry on.