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Quote:I have absolutely nothing to do with any of this.
Also Victoria doesn't discriminate with her company in the least. She does not, has not, and will not ignore people based on OOC matters. Don't you drag me into things that I am not involved in, based on your own assumptions.
Also-also there is only one Rockwell.

I didn't mean to say that the Limwells or whoever plays the Rockwell guard (hey there) are elitist or cliquish in nature (that might be the case with the Limwells, I 'unno personally). I was just thinking of surnames/family names of well-known characters to list as an example of what would make it easier to enjoy the game and those two names came to mind. I don't have any relevant criticism of either family or the players that play those characters, so. I apologize for any vague/mistaken association.

Quote:I don't even know what this is supposed to mean, but your bias is showing.

If you didn't know what I meant, then you could've asked for me to clarify, just like I did when some of your posts didn't really get your point across. Since you didn't, it makes you seem eager to get into an argument/derail the topic, which gives me a pretty bad first impression of you.

Beyond all of that- I don't think there's any individual person, character, or group that's holding the game or community back. People harp on and on about how an abundance of happy-go-lucky lesbians and teenage vampires and what have you kill the atmosphere, but I can chalk a lot of that up to roleplay preferences rather than anything objectively wrong with certain trends. This isn't about trends or anyone's specific RP. It's really just the prison system and the lack of plot progression that strike me as stuff we should talk about in-depth.
"Take it for granted. I dare you."

[Image: 142v2wn.png]

[Image: 21b2ouq.png]

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