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First let me start by saying it seems there are two very distinct sides to this and I am stuck in the middle.

If you don't know me, I am Guard Roje Sutia. Many of the above posters whom aren't guards have dealt with me directly. After reading all of these replies, I thought it was time I give my two cents. Without further ado, lets begin.

[headline=1]Temporary Bans for IC Actions[/headline]
Not being able to do anything as there is no one ever at the jail to rp with, and/or the RP is static and pointless.

I see the point here. I can understand how it feels to be put in timeout for your actions and away from the entire game in a sense. As it's been noted in this thread, there is a difference between OOC and IC, but this is an RP mandatory game after all, and it always has been.

OOC characters (Characters who claim to be OOC at a certain time or for example The some-variation-of-OOC alias) have been given a bit of a pass because they're simply testing things, grinding levels, checking shops, building houses, not able to RP in depth at the moment, going somewhere to RP, etc. Stuff that doesn't involve the IC realm.

It has been noted if you get in trouble OOCLY (bans, etc.) Your IC character is obviously impacted. The same is true in the reverse. IF I beat a corbie down, and then (With their permission of course) ripped their wing off, I would be subject to prison time. If I had no further crimes at this moment, I would be given a Severe crime in the rating of something along the lines of Aggravated Battery. Resulting in 23 OOC Day Jail Sentence. Twenty Three days where really, I'm not interacting with anyone. I'm stuck in the fort and cannot do anything.

You could contact a guard over OOC or Skype (Most have their Skypes listed under their names here on the forums) and ask for them to come give you some RP. Normally when I've been asked, I have made time to come spend an hour or so roleplaying and conversatin'.

Here is a direct quote from Chaos on crimes and their times; I'm probably not suppose to put this out, but I feel it should be public record.

"Chaos" Wrote:Crimes that people commit are separated into three categories, each with different lengths (using IC days/OOC time as measurement):
Minor Crimes (1 IC day/3 OOC hours each): Anything considered a 'misdemeanor' in reality. Petty theft, vandalism, assault (see: intending to injure but not doing it), public intoxication and anything else that a street urchin/small-time street thug would most likely do would be a Minor Crime.
Major Crimes (8 IC days/1 OOC day each): Anything considered a 'felony' in reality. Battery (intending to injure and doing it), Arson, Kidnapping, and other 'serious' crimes fit the bill here.
Severe Crimes (184 IC days/23 OOC days each): Reserved for very serious crimes. Murder, Treason, Rape, Aggravated Battery and the like would go here. This is rather punishing to charge someone with; do not mistake this for Major Crimes.

To date, only 9 people have ever been charged with Severe Crimes. Two of those ended in Execution recently.

Some of the longest running sentences in the Criminal Records include those who have stacked up a variety of Major Charges and then commit a minor in fraction, followed by a Jail Time of 7 OOC day for a normally 3 hour OOC time. The stacking charges work in a sense to deter further crime for good reason.

  1. However, I feel that minor charges should not factor in prior charge except minors; While in a reality it makes sense, in a game like this it becomes a seriously handicapping time.

    Example: Current Formula is: OOC Days to be served =(B*1/8+C+(D*23))

    Previous Charges: 3 minors 2 majors

    New Charges: 2 Minors

    Current Time to be served under current formula: 63 Hours.

    Time served with only Minors: 27 Hours.

    This would not apply to any Major+ charges and any previous Minors will factor into time to be served with a Major or above.

I feel that this would help to give the lesser offenders more breathing room to still play, but also still factor into charges going forward as their should be severe punishment if you wish to commit a crime ICly.

[headline=1]'OOC' Friends[/headline]

I fully believe every guard currently serving are very upstanding community individuals. They all separate their OOC bias when dealing with IC natures. You're free to say what you'd like about the guards OOCly including myself, but I assure you they are each held to the same standard as everyone and nothing gets by with Chaos and to a lesser extent Sly noticing.

  1. -- That being said. There are obvious advantages to being friends OOCly to a guard. Primarily because you are likely friends with their IC character. And much like reality, being friends ICly tends to help you when you get into legal trouble. Benefit of the Doubt comes to mind.

    I'm not saying go suck up to a guard and get less sentences, this is not how this works. I myself have given breaks to a variety of people I never interact with OOCly. I just try and play it case by case. If you want to complain about an arrest the moment it happens and say this is bulls#%@ and cry for a GM...they're not going to help you. The most important thing in these arrests is keeping your emotion 100% IC. The moment you take it to OOC, you've no case.
    "iDarkCara" Wrote:I fully believe every guard currently serving are very upstanding community individuals. They all separate their OOC bias when dealing with IC natures.

    For example. A few days ago, there was an incident where someone had explained about how they would brutally injure someone in a private whisper @ the arena. Though someone overheard, and reported it. I was forced to make a decision rather this was just smoke or an intent to actually murder someone. I resorted to pulling the parties aside and they stuck 100% ICly, I felt after considering their situation to let them go with a minor stay in the prison as a cool off period. A warning more than anything despite their few prior charges.

    -- On the other side. Many guards have alts whom have been arrested prior or even while they themselves have been a guard. In fact, a veteran guard, even before I joined, recently had an alt arrested for a Severe crime and served their time, all 27 OOC days.

    There is no special treatment, there is only RP treatment; at least as far as I'm concerned. If you want to talk to me ICly and sell yourself essentially, I may be more lenient on your charge and take the hit ICly for being soft on crime or what have you.

    That goes in reverse too. If you decide to do something stupid while Roje is a bit irritated for one reason or another (Red Iahsus hi), I may be inclined ICly to throw you in jail no questions asked for your crime.

    Is that fair? Possibly not...I just ask going forward, you keep everything IC when dealing with the guards. Keep in mind the rules as well including:
    Quote:1a - On the other hand, the guards are expected to only use their exceptions when necessary and to follow other rules. This means that they cannot force death upon anyone, use their exceptions outside of guard duties, etc. (If you think a guard's out of line, report it to a GM.)

There you go.

Please note thease are my opinions and not the opinion of the guard or otherwise related. This is purely from myself and stems from my own thoughts and not the thoughts or actions of any other guard.
[Image: b89f62f8ce.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_m7g6clz79C1rpqqpz.gif] I'm also still Batman.

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