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First off:

Egil, don't worry, I don't mean you; actually, my comment was aimed more at Sderg (Rendar) saying that not allowing OOC access to imprisoned characters is a bad thing. And if I seem heated, it's because I often don't get along well with the rest of the community so we can seem a little short with each other at times. But it's also not like I particularly dislike them either, we just have very differing opinions a lot of the time. In a way, I actually have a degree of respect for most of them for various reasons, but now isn't the time or place to get into that (I could easily write a paragraph about a lot of the top forum posters and what I like about them, though.) Maybe I am coming across as hostile and for that I apologize.

"[url= Wrote:MegaBlues » Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:58 pm[/url]"]to be fair, it's kind of hard to catch someone and plan an intelligent crime when you can teleport around / run across the continent in five seconds, and everyone is usually surrounded by five other people at the least

This is also very true. I once had a character driven to her breaking point and starting a fight in Pink's Pub, casting Salamander (read: causing hundreds in property damage and possibly burning the whole building down if it wasn't brought under control quickly) and she was able to escape to Gold to find sanctuary with an acquaintance in Law's End before the guards were ever alerted and before travel restrictions could be placed. (In fact, considering I've never seen the name "Silvi Fanelia" on the wanted list, I'd even assume the crime went unreported, but details. It may have even been before Player Guards, since it WAS ages ago...)

Thing is, this happened in Cellsvich, right beside the Mage's Guild, so it's far more plausible than running across the continent quickly. But it still reinforces your point of how quickly you can just escape repercussions - and it's honestly a little silly. But even I admit that as nice as it would be to RP travel as taking awhile, it's jarring if you need to, say, travel to Law's End and back (Walking in sand isn't the fastest journey) and you've only been gone a compariatively short time in everyone else's eyes, so it's not like it's realistically plausible to do sometimes. *shrug*
*loud burp*

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