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Class Balancing: Soldier
"[url= Wrote:Neus » Sun Jan 24, 2016 12:51 am[/url]"]Well, I lowered Madchop's knockback to half of what it currently is. I don't really agree with the damage scaling nerf. If it's being spammed then perhaps an FP cost increase would be more appropriate.

Execute is fine as it is. It does about as much bonus damage as Face Stomp, a promoted class skill, but can situationally do more or less. It certainly doesn't need to do double bonus damage.

As an FYI.

Madchop's dealing 120+ damage to people with Evasion, Wraithguard, and 60-70 defense. The FP cost doesn't really 'matter', considering the fact that it's murdering people left and right from the sheer damage output it brings. Sure, it's a Full round action to charge-madchop... but that damage is greatly increased. Yes, this is a base class skill. It shouldn't be on comparision to Promo-class skills. The issue here is that Madchop outclasses, and outshines promo class skills simply by existing. Does more than EI (and doesn't destroy your claret call). Doesn't require a hit check. Forces enemies far-the-hell away too. Increasing it's FP cost, unless you plan to make it take a certain % of your FP instead of a flat number, won't really do much.

As for "Execute" doing more damage than Face Stomp. You're funny. That'd require the Target to be 200 HP down and knocked down. Then it gets +50 damage. Most fights? Enemies don't have more than 400-500 HP (unless they're got dang tanky tanks) So, at 'best' it deals +100 damage if the target has 400 HP down... but. Uh. Hate to break it to you but. KnockDown > +100 damage. Especially whenever you can, at that point of low HP, probably kill them anyways.

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