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Account Sharing
OKAY SO. Let's get into why account sharing is bad.


Uh. Someone can get on your account and break rules and fake to be you???
That's literally it.

SO. With that out of the way. Let's work on why that con is actually bad.

GMs will ban the offending party anyways (or if something stupid happens, etc. Items stolen WHAT HAVE YOU). So. That's bad. However if you think about it, it's okay-ish. It makes a person learn to trust who they give actual information relating to their personal stuff to. Is it bad? Is it good? Iunno, but in current SL2 it's proven to be nothing but good. No one has abused it yet, as far as I've seen, and ratings are through the ROOF!!!

So, what are the pros of this?

People will get other people to grind them without breaking the rules set in place. This can lead to a promoted economy with people grinding other people so that they have a happier, better experience with SL2 ((no shitty grinding because lord knows grinding is the devil)).
This also promotes DEV DOLLARS because people already use asagorians to pay people for these services instead of murai/returning the favor.
Builds a level of trust between people.

OKAY SO. LOOK AT ALL THOS PROS. It actually promotes the economy, player base, and Dev's wallet. It's literally the perfect thing and doesn't actually hurt the game in (almost) any way whatsoever. I'm all for Account Sharing. If someone gets screwed by someone else for doing it (due to the con listed above), then people will shun the person who did it. Shun them for a good long while, never trust them again, and eventually weed out the undesirable players from the game.

So yeah. I'm for this rather stupid rule to be abolished because ??? why was it here in the first place.

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