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Account Sharing
So instead of letting people deal with the consequences of account sharing- losing items, the key being banned from misuse, etc- you're just going to outright restrict it for everyone anyway? That equates to outlawing weed because it can make you really hungry and lose focus for a few hours (which I also think is ridiculous). The point of rules should be to make the game fair and balanced- not arbitrarily restrict someone from doing something that inherently possesses risks/consequences anyway. These sorts of rulings only serve to alleviate perceived stress the wrong way. If someone breaks a rule and then uses the excuse 'it wasn't me, it was so and so' but don't have any proof, the answer isn't 'Let's ban account sharing', it's 'Let's ban this asshole who broke this rule and is refusing to take responsibility for it like an adult'.

If you banned trading items because of the risk of people later wanting the items they traded back and causing drama over that sort of stuff, or if you banned casual sparring because you could get your feelings hurt OOC'ly from losing, or if you banned mentioning the word 'Rape' IC'ly because it might trigger someone OOC'ly; I would feel the same way. These arbitrary, meaningless rules do not serve any just or productive purpose- if that isn't obvious from the majority of responses, I don't know what to say, then.

tl;dr remove this rule and replace it with a common sense 'if someone fucks around on your account, then it was your b for letting them use your account and punishments will be dolled out anyway'.
"Take it for granted. I dare you."

[Image: 142v2wn.png]

[Image: 21b2ouq.png]

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