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. . . And one disc to rule them all.
Simply put, maybe give the option to make an Omni-Disc (compacting all the Discers into one) at an Alchemy station?

Pros and Cons I've identified with just the rough concept:

++: Cut down on inventory space taken up.

---: If you die and happen to lose it, you lose it ALL (unless changed to not be one of the loseable items upon KO/death).

----: Cluttered Build Mode Interface, although I'm sure it can be worked around - it kind of destroys the current Interface unless you could keep all the categories and still have only one disc.


Feel free to discuss the suggestion politely. Comment whether you'd support or dislike it's implementation and the reason(s) why, if you have comments/alterations you'd like to see added onto the idea as a whole please comment, etc, etc.
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Exxy Izzy

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