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One shot overwhelm
One overcharge has been a really strong passive for a very, very long time, I believe long ago it's intention was to make shotguns stronger, when introduced with one shot wonder, the innate, which in a sense, it really did make shotguns really fun to use, and this is balanced by a shotgun's typically low range.

And then people started rolling out excel snipers and jackhammers, with very large ranges with this passive, and that's how it is extremely overwhelming, meeting a sonic shell or celcius shell that does over half your health in damage within 7 or 8 range of any gunner.

The damage could be subsided by hitting those 2 shells or excel sniper, But multishots would suffer from that kind of change to those shells, its the utility of every single other shell as well, so instead of hitting multishots by toning down the shells, instead I believe it'd be a smart idea to hit the passive instead, while still giving the same damage to shotguns

Proposed nerf:

One Overcharge: Changed to 3 rank passive, +1/2/3 shell/bonus/high charge power, this will hit guns such as Excel sniper and jackhammer, which already have the benefit of having range and/or AoE

One Shot Wonder, +5/10/15/20/25 shotgun damage, along with +1/1/2/2/3 Shell/bonus/high charge power for shotguns specifically, this is of course balanced out by shotguns not being able to charge up, their low range, and generally low crit rates compared to sniper rifles.

Any thoughts?
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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