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Aptitude is currently everyone's most valuable stat. If your class setup benefits from 5 different stats, which is roughly all of them, 40 points in aptitude will refund you the 40 points you spent by providing 8 in the stats you need. On top of that, all of your other statistics raise alongside it. I understand the goal behind aptitude was to allow people to be well rounded, but as of right now it's practically required in every build.

On that note, I think it may be worth humoring the following idea:

Remove aptitude entirely. Scale the number of stats you gain per level up to 4 to compensate for all of the free stats everyone will be missing.
This gives people the option to spread points around where they want them, but curtails the 88 points you get for dropping 40 in aptitude.

As I mentioned earlier, as far as I understand it the point of aptitude was to allow people the option to round out their strengths. That is not the identity it currently fits. It's mandatory in every single build because it's statistically efficient in any build that doesn't only care about two or three stats. We could also scale down how much the stat provides, but I imagine people would immediately feel point starved if this stat took a hit. On a final note, if Apt was removed, humans could gain the benefits of all-stat scaling through sanctity. To fit their quick to master, adaptable race identity.

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