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Great Reckoning Discussion
"Slydria" Wrote:Long time no see. I'm not back yet but I couldn't help myself and decided to pop on a few times (in secret) on the test server to see the changes for myself and now that I've had a chance to gather my thoughts, I want to make some comments about gripes I have. (I've split it up in sections to make it a little less TL;DR.)

Aptitude: Has yet to be seen, but people are flocking to it because it's in their comfort zone of having decent stats everywhere. This is the same reason the same people keep suggesting 4 stats per level. 4 SPL is too much.

STR/WIL: STR is fine. It's useful for BW, it's still the primary damage stat for a lot of weapons. It doesn't need HP tacked onto it. The only change WIL might need is an increase to the FP it gives for level and/or its Skill Pool increase reduced to 5 instead of 10 points. It's still useful if you want to stack status infliction, which not every mage wants to do, but that's fine. I don't think WIL needs to give all elemental ATK either, part of the goal of this change is to promote diversity. Making mages samey by making them rely on WIL heavily like they do now isn't going to help that.

VIT: You don't really elaborate on why more HP = bad or why it should be changed, so I question if this is really your opinion, but regardless, I think the amount of HP it gives is fine at the moment, so I don't know where this discussion is going to go.

GUI: Rogue characters receiving benefits from Guile is a given because it boosts all of the things Rogues like to do, such as flanking, backstabbing, etc. I also don't really understand the point of reducing the Critical Damage gain from GUI, something that requires investment, and increasing it on weapons, which you get for free.

Critical/Critical Evade: In what sense should it be tweaked? Because the only imbalance in crit VS crit evade is that SKI gives 0.5 critical more than FAI resists it. I don't understand why it should change, either, because the benefits you get from criticals now are weaker than before and thus require investment in GUI to be significantly powerful (daggers are the only ones that really get around this but they have lower Power to compensate).


Skill Scaling: Verglas is the only example that makes sense because otherwise is was mostly the same across the board anyway. Lots of WPN Power + STR + bonus based on Rank for almost every class. Monk is one of the few that come to mind that utilized a variety of stats but they also use Elemental ATK now they still use a variety.

You didn't give any examples of which base class skills are more powerful scaling wise than the promoted class, so I don't know what to say there.


New Profiles: Image dimensions are fine for me. I don't have trouble cropping a large variety of images. Size is appropriate for the image dimensions and necessary since images are stored on the server now. I like the portrait shifted to the upper left and thinks it looks more interesting that way, myself. It's possible I will introduce more detailed customization options to them in the future but it takes a backseat to everything being worked on to finish the system change. Also be aware that any customization options that require server space (such as uploading additional images) are probably going to be donation items.

Music: I will probably introduce a new preference setting for this, but honestly it's no different from before where profiles would autoplay music.

Equipment Tab: As a counter point, having equipment not available to be seen has some issues as well, such as clarity, or not knowing things you should be able to tell at a cursory examination that the person is simply not RPing (for example, wearing heavy plate armor, if you're using a sword or an axe or whatever). It could also be useful for catching anyone exploiting an unknown bug; for example, back when the upgrade bug exploit existed, which let you get to higher than intended upgrade amounts.

More Options: Your desire has been noted but will have to wait patiently for now. Guild information showing even when toggled off was an error. Moving the window is unlikely to happen; not sure why you would need to, either.


Thank you for your feedback.

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