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Great Reckoning Update Notes
Associate Conversions:

Engineer Robots (Turret, Metalaegis, Medibot)
Shine Knights
Mercenaries (Alma, Zoria, Reynes)

- Added weight to hands, legs, and accessories equipment items.
- Added weight to item descriptions of hands, legs, and accessories.
- Added sound effects to the new examine and stat distribution interfaces.
- Added mouse-over tooltips to stats (which displays the base as well as what the stat influences), and to the various listings on the right side of the stat screen (Phys. Def, Flanking, etc) that say what they mean.
- Increased base Battle Weight to 5 (from 0).
- Lightning critical base multiplier increased to 110%.
- BUG: Phoenix now gets its proper scaling and displays it in the rank text.
- BUG: Self-Detonate no longer deals 50,000% Fire ATK by mistake.
- BUG: Lunar Lunatism shouldn't charm enemies who don't have a line of sight for you.
- BUG: Marching Band should now give its 3000kb limit when uploading music.
- BUG: Create Shade wasn't able to be resized at max rank.
- BUG: Snakescale was still giving Nagas HP regen.
- BUG: Examining players during battle caused the area theme to play instead of the battle theme when you stopped examining them.


There's one last thing I need to do before this is ready to go to live, which is a minor thing. Please check for oversights, imbalances, bugs, and all of that good stuff, because aside from adjusting for those, this is what we will be moving to live.

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