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Great Reckoning Update Notes
- Added looc command for local OOC. This means that OOC text should NOT be put into say or emote anymore, unless absolutely necessary to communicate with someone who has OOC off.
- Added Fruit of Fluidity to the Asago shop for 200 Asagorians. Can be used to reset your stat distribution while maintaining character level. (Nearby characters are told you have used this item.)
- Cripple Arm STR/SKI penalty reduced to -1 per Rank.
- Cripple Leg CEL penalty reduced to -1 per Rank.
- BUG: Terra Strike was not dealing Earth magic damage when ki was available to do so.
- BUG: God Rod wasn't functioning properly.
- BUG: Lunar Lunatism wasn't curing Fear, Hesitation, and Charm on use, and was giving its old stat boost.
- BUG: Lunar Lunatism was applying its Fear effect when someone hit you, instead of when you hit them.
- BUG: Parting Shot was teleporting you behind the enemy instead of jumping away from them.
- BUG: Energy Laundering wasn't usable.
- BUG: Monster skills that didn't have a weapon specified and weren't a spell weren't receiving damage from weapon scaling even though they had weapon scaling.
- BUG: Guns mutated into bows weren't using scaled weapon power even though they weren't using the gun attack.

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