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GM-Moderated Ignore Function
That post wasn't rambly. It was well reasoned. And while I do largely agree with a lot of what you've said, there's definite counterpoints:

1) There's a massive difference between a comedy character and a meme character. A comedy character, while it's entirely subjective if people find it funny or not, is at least trying to be creative and different. A meme character will use an excellion to try to do 420 blunt damage, and when they do, ICly blare airhorns and shriek at everyone to light up and get butthurt when they don't. A meme character will quote memes and references with no regards to the lore of the game or if it even makes sense. It should be plain as day to see whether you're putting a 4th wall breaking memespammer on ignore, versus someone you just find annoying.

Here's just a few stupid examples from various forum threads and my own Gyazo (and I recently got a new computer, so I don't have access to old archives or anything, just recent stuff,) names withheld to not be a fingerpointer. These were all IC with no attempts to omit.

"What's with all the mexican-jumping shaitans?"
"brb training day"
"Nohrian scum." (A reference to Fire Emblem Fates.)
"Lazarus when." (Yes, ICly asking when Lazarus will be added.)
"TWENTY TWO. YOU SON OF A-" (someone took 22 damage and declared it ICly)
(And just about anything posted by you know who.)

2) From decades of experience, asking someone to stop something has one effect: THEY DO IT MORE JUST TO SPITE YOU. For example, my best friend has very sensitive ears and moderately loud noises (even as "quiet" as someone shouting to a friend across the street) cause him physical pain. The second he ever asks anyone to tone it down a bit, they shriek in his ear just to be a spiteful fuck that he's not letting them have their way. This has been demonstrated numerous times in SL2 as well, such as people from neighborhoods where the word "faggot" is rampant being asked to tone it down and saying it more because fuck everyone else, and of course, people being told ICly that they're bothering someone and to please stop, and the eternal insistence that they're well within their rights to piss off whoever they damn well please. Talking it over never does anything. Ever. I've tried.

3) It's very unreasonable to just up and do something else due to someone barging in with memes. For example, a lot of the RP at Pink's Pub is people talking over a meal. Abandoning a meal just because some meming asshat came in and started being stupid is dumb. If anything, it'd make infinitely more sense for this person to be arrested for disturbing the peace (if not banned for griefing roleplay.)

It'd be one thing if the GMs did anything about this. But I've had GMs defend shitmemers to me, I guess maybe they were friends or something. At the very least, give us tools to help mitigate the stupidity.
*loud burp*

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