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my sanity
Hello, friend. I'm here to clarify a few things, simply because you're sorely out of line. I can understand the validity of your discordance with the Anubite being an active and expressive thing in the SL2 Meta, community, and world, but allow me to tell you that you are very wrong in many circumstances.

Especially in you thinking that everything they say and believe in is concrete.

The Anubite are not royalty. They are not royaltygaming or any type of -gaming. They are also not infringing or stepping onto Dev's lore. The Anubite are a singular entity that branches and expands upon Dev's lore, but in no way makes it canon -- and no one has to think such or otherwise. The Anubite are nobility through merit and commerce -- they started out low on the echelon and spiked up due to their fortitude and prosperity, and perhaps because they were a bunch of Lupine and didn't know when to give up. So, allow me to be very clear and succinct: the Anubite are not royalty, they are unofficial nobility with oodles of dough and because of this, they may as well be seen as such.

Also, perhaps the Anubite cities are a bit large, this may be true -- Bria may or may not have swung her hand a bit far on this. But, let me make this very pellucid for you: it's something to work with, to work on, and brings life to the world. Perhaps Dev may agree with it, perhaps not; but, we have not heard a clear no, nor have we heard any complaints. In fact, I think Dev may have actually been okay with it, but I might be remembering wrong, so don't quote me or count on me on that.

Bria has been actively working on expanding the Anubite and has even been trying to incorporate them officially with her lore weaving and mapping skills. She has worked tirelessly to make this fun for everyone involved, and outsiders as well. She has nearly single-handedly beefed up the Anubites to where they are now, with a bit of help here and there from yours truly, Maikito, and everyone even mentioned in the special thanks part of the Anubite forum post.

So, let me tell you again: do not confuse the Anubite for something that is "official" or being "shoved down anyone's throats". Their lore and gods aren't "happening". They might believe it to be a real thing, and whether or not is up in the air, because there's no way to prove or disprove it. They could even be the current gods of official lore by other names! Anubuna might be Huggessoa, Imsusef might be Mercala -- who knows!

We are not expressively asking for official recognition -- at least, not yet. Not until everything is settled. We're also not hounding Dev about it, and we're not bothering the GMs or anyone in particular. We're also definitely not doing this to regress the community (if it's derelict standing can even get worse).

So sit, boy.
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)

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