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The Great Reckoning, Part 2 - A hint of things to come.
A thing I see with issues so far is the fact a lot of the talents are losing the current bonuses that they give in favor of other things. Cooking for instance lost the benefit to have a good personal chef at your home unless they are using a campsite to do it. Not entirely, but it does make it kinda meh to do since cooking at a fire does make it better.

Initiative lost its bonus move for 3 rounds, and march lost its move bonus too. These dont seem like much, but certain classes needed that. Some people NEEDED that to counter stuff like... archers firing 3 to 4 times upon you before you can get in melee (which promptly leads to getting blowback cannond and wrecked anyways). Id love if march gave bonus move to make it a bit better to even think about using... hopefully initiative follows suit to be awesome for people who dont do turn 1 buffs.

Also, fluency before gave 2 will for a tome equipped. Id love to see this come back. Not only did it make spell casters feel like they were loved in the slightest, but it also gave them some extra maneuverability with tomes to use because. Lets be real. Most spell casters these days will simply resort to using spell edge weapons because they have way better scaling qnd generally, a lot higher weapon power. Give the tome some love, man.

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