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The Great Reckoning, Part 2 - A hint of things to come.
"Snake" Wrote:Chivalry (eyes sparking, I loved this one!) should get something to counteract Stalemate/Eviter too. Since they're attacking head-on like proud warriors, and being head-on is exactly what these damage denying passives want you to do, to nullify all the damage thrown at your face.

I love the idea of having two fighters facing each other in a tense fight, instead of what we have currently, people running to other's backs after Flank/deny stalemate and eviter. Which pretty much makes it a mandatory thing to do.

I'd say something to lower the chances of triggering Parry effects by 50% if you attack them on the face.

Maxing out Chivalry could make it so that Stalemate/Eviter/etc now block back-attacks instead of front-facing attacks. That'd be dope.
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