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Immobilize and it´s effects
I'm just.

Gonna say this...

Having immobilize destroy all of these effects is going to be very dangerous. And we're buffing archers again. The Thorn Shooter is going to come back with even more force than before, and melee people won't be able to do literally anything about it.

Let's either A) Nerf the Thorn Shooter to remover the on-crit immobilize... Or give people some sort of immunity from being perma-immobilized into being a pin cushion. because, honestly... This was made to make Immobilize 'worthwhile'. Now it's one of the most cock-blockiest things you can do in the entire game against a melee person. Which, as an archer, you already countered them.

This is just gonna make life a living hell for literally everyone so let's either A) Just make these skill have half their normal range (or just fail sometimes)... or B) Nerf Thorn Shooter to stop this crap from happening.


Or you know, have it so that the range for these moves have HALF range (barring leaping lizard which just won't work). So you sidecut 2 tiles, haunting for half the range, etc. However your MOVEMENT is auto-set to 0. This stops Charge shenanigans. This stops heaven kick.

Let's just not make an overpowered status.

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