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Lucky 777
Running away won't save you from this hell, especially whenever they can cripple leg you to remove five movement from you.

Running away isn't really an option, especially due to the fact that movement in the newest update will be at an alltime LOW due to March and Initiative getting nerfed.

20 is plenty enough to make this relatively strong, whilst also still maintaining the "LUCKY" aspect of getting it. Also makes the shell more balanced over all so that you don't have to SOLELY go Duelist/MG for it.

If nothing else, I could agree to 33%, but allowing people to get +20 to a stat just for shooting, and also gaining a huge chance that.. damage.. just simply won't harm them is pretty bad. Yes, Matador counters this. Gunners can use Arcanic potion to negate it.

Bellplate + fangfaced require 2 (out of the 3 limit) 10 star items to be used properly, and while it's powerful, can easily be negated if the gunner themself simply counters this counter by using DH/MG and takes Matador (Since DH is actually great functionally with hitting multiple targets!). Single-shot gunners can't even use this 'gimmick' because the only bonus for rank of the shell is rounds it can stay active... but yeah.

Just getting this looked at in some way would be nice.

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