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The Great Reckoning, Part 2 - A hint of things to come.
Here's one of the four (now three) talents that weren't added at the time of the first beta. This one will be in the next beta, which will begin shortly.

[Image: n9xQCaw.png]
1.5 SP per Rank
  • Perception - Allows you to sense spirits in the area, the distance of which is based on SR. Spirits will appear as black or white, called 'paging', which shows if they are malicious (black) or not (white).
  • Release - Allows you to release perceived spirits, exorcising them. Requires Mental Stamina. Success is based on SR and the spirit's page, and success grants roleplaying EXP. Failure may result in negative effects if the spirit is black.
  • Possession - Rather than release, you allow a spirit to possess you temporarily, up to a maximum of SR. Depending on the page, the effect differs, which can be confirmed in the occult window. Having a spirit possess you treats you as Possessed race for certain effects. (Spirits will escape when you are reduced to 0 HP.)

Spiritualism is another unique talent. Spirits will spawn in various places, mainly towns, but some non-random dungeons as well. If you have the ability to perceive them via Perception, they will show up to you when you get close enough. From there, you can utilize your ability to Release them, which essentially sends them on their way to Lazarus. Doing so grants you some small amount of roleplaying EXP, if you succeed. If you fail, the spirit resists being exorcised. White ones will not do anything, but black spirits will retaliate, potentially harming you.

Another option you have is to let the spirit possess you, which will grant some effect, based on the type of spirit it is. Of course, this carries some risks and is generally seen as unsafe, so use caution. You can confirm the effects of the spirits possessing you on the character screen, as well as releasing them from possession.

[Image: w4Za3Ig.png]

When you're reduced to 0 HP, as well, some spirits will escape from you; anywhere from 1 to all of them.

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