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Regarding Romek
This is my reply to a PM I received recently regarding concerns about metagaming and GM abuse.

"Devourer Of Souls" Wrote:As far as I understand, this doesn't involve you or your characters, so I'm not sure why you're PMing me about it instead of the first party. And ,if Nuka Cola is in fact NuclearWinterSoldier, I don't know why they're bothering GMs about it, either, because again, this doesn't involve them. Nor do I think they have any right at all to call Chaos's credibility into question when they sat around, knowing Sderg and Megablues were duping donation items, and acted like it was okay. Nor did they handle this situation maturely at all.

So overall, I don't know what you want me to do. None of the screenshots you sent, nor the various people I've talked to give me any reason to believe that this was metagaming. If anything, Romek was metagaming by going to the arena and sparring, despite being told he was banned from doing so, pretending the NPC guards aren't there; THAT is 'hardcore metagaming'. The only issue I found any fault with was that Romek's player was not warned clearly at his last violent offense that if he committed another violent act he would be executed. At the same time, from what I've gathered, he has a lengthy criminal record and this came as no surprise at all, so I'm not going to overturn that decision, either. I have, however, instructed the GMs to be more clear and decisive, so that when this sort of situation happens again, the criminal player can't act like it's a surprise and try to weasel out of it.

I've also been told that the claims that you'd be banned for etc involving a certain godhood plot-line are completely false; if you have proof otherwise, please send it my way, but I haven't seen anything that suggests otherwise.

Sorry to hash this out in public like this but, the things I've said have been reported incorrectly through the individual who sent me this PM more than once and so I'd feel more comfortable doing so this way. I don't mean this as an insult to that person in any way, and hopefully they understand I simply want my message to to reach the person this actually matters for as I intended.

If the involved party(ies) want to discuss the topic they may do so in this thread, provided they can do so maturely. If you aren't involved, you probably shouldn't post, especially not memes (this means you, Snake).

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