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Regarding Romek Pt. 2
SL2 is already robotic and boring. What was your point, again? It may have been lost in translation.

How long are your arms because you've REACHED so high at this point

- I have to question how this statement is remotely conductive to the conversation. Here's a hint: it isn't. Please refrain from being one of "those" people.

bringing up unrelated situations left and right, over 75% of the people I've seen in the petition so far are people who basically quit SL2 a long time ago or just don't show up at all

- Unrelated situations such as? Again, there's nothing here that benefits the conversation, other than you inserting your two cents and not showing proof of purchase. Yes, 75% of those people have quit (and felt that this was a topic to bring to light due to past issues related to metagaming/ godmodding), or a good portion of them are willing to quit.

This OOC shitfest started because someone need something to complain about, as for people sitting back and 'accepting' SL2, why do you think we play the game in the first place?

- Maybe a "shitfest" was necessary to make a point. Not everyone is going to sit back and let things blow over after this point. Just because you and a few others dislike conflict (which is surprising coming from you of all people) doesn't mean that shouldn't happen.

We're not here to change the game to suit our needs exactly, and Dev is fully willing to listen to problems that occur when they are brought up by credible sources with a majority backing you up.

- No, the people here and the people who were disgruntled enough to say anything, or sign the petition, want some improvements. The only reason this has gone to such lengths is because those same people felt unheard, and at one point, this was the best way to speak up.

On a more related matter, why did we need a 2nd thread for this?

Dev said that those not directly involved with the situation shouldn't post on the topic. It was brought elsewhere out of common courtesy of his request.

P.S. Want me to cut out the hippy, feel-good bullshit? Feel free to take it up with me in PMs.
[Image: 21b2ouq.png]

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