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Regarding Romek Pt. 2
*****Disclaimer: I fully expect my name to appear on the petition after this post, considering a few other peoples' names have falsely appeared. If it does, it's not me.*****

DISCLAIMER 2: Started writing this before Dev weighed in. While I fully believe his post covers this adequeately, I feel like my post still adds something about IC vs OOC and all that, so I'm still posting it, unedited.

*sighs loudly, rubbing temples* Okay. Just. People. I get it, it's the internet, and people think the internet is for having the time to listen to you whine about everything and nothing all at once, because you're one of those melodramatic fools, neurotic to the bone. But Green Day lyrics aside, let's go over this in broad strokes without bias:

- Fight happens at the arena, stated to have numerous guards present.
- Someone brings a guard to help deal with the situation; NPC guards cannot do anything
- Because people know the guard is a player who was involved otherwise, they cry godmodding, when their OOC kneejerk reaction is also entirely because they know who the player is.
- Shitshow ensues because no one is able to handle anything like a mature responsible adult.

Please. Just grow up and get over it. I still remember the time I was accused of Godmodding because someone was stalking a bulletin board and didn't see me post something in-game because my computer was shit and couldn't even Forum + Game at the same time so I had to log off to use the forums.

Now. Let me state that I OOCly like Romek as a character more than Remiel as a character. This is important to note because, in terms of what went down, I think Remiel had the strongest IC motivations here. Anyone who spends any time at the arena can see how attached to Delphia Remiel is. Lawbreaking or not, Remiel's actions were heavily cemented IC, regardless of OOC motivations. The shade being flung at Sarah is incredibly juvenile. Would I have personally hopped on my guard, if I presently had one, if I had been Remiel? No. Entirely because I know people would react this way. ICly, however, it makes sense that the NPC guards would make a ruckus and it would make more sense for a guard to come than to wave it off like "Nah, my player has OOC reasons to not come."

(And people wonder why I don't actively advertise all my alts and keys like some people; I know some people aren't crazy about me OOCly, so I keep that information a bit more privately so it doesn't impact IC because apparently, few people seems to be able to keep IC and OOC apart. I mean, it's not like I actively hide it, and it's easy enough to learn it's me - as recently proven by Balthie hitting me up on Skype over one of my characters I hadn't told them was me - but yeah.)

On the flip side, let's look at Romek. An IC ban on Arena Spars. What do people do at the arena? Fight. What was Romek's IC motivation for being there? I see an OOC thirst for PVP, and OOCly wanting to be there because that's where people go, but... uh... why does he go to the Arena ICly, again? Except maybe watching other peoples' fights, I guess? Listen, I'm sorry, but this really IS just asking for it, regardless of who initiates the fights. Unlike with Remiel, where it makes perfect sense to me, this just makes my head hurt.

If your response to this scenario is truly, genuinely, "Stop this shit or we'll leave" then... goodbye? At the very least we'll be able to resolve things more productively in the future without childish tantrums being thrown. I love how people have even brought up that if a GM says no to anything about your character, you have to change it. DUH!? Rules exist for a reason. Sure, I've been annoyed over being told "Oh, her breasts look to small to be 16, she has to be 13" and the like, but they're just trying to uphold the rules, and the whole loli vampire ERP thing happened. And a friendly reminder that I got called a pedoophile becuase one of my wimpy-ass characters was ICly overpowered by a loli vampire, because again, people can't distinguish IC and OOC and just immediately assumed I'm a sick fuck instead of pulling a godmod power boost out of my ass. GG, people, GG.
*loud burp*

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