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Regarding Romek Pt. 2
I would like to start off this reply by thanking you Dev, to take the time to read through this matter once more even though you were hoping that it was done and over with yesterday. However, I feel obligated to write this response to simply explain my personal opinion in regards to your response, so whether you read it or not is entirely up to you.

Nevertheless, here is what I have to say:

I've been playing games made by you for quite some time now, you're a very talented game developer with plenty of potential to make great things happen. You constantly update the game to improve on certain aspects, albeit somewhat lessening the aspects of other core features of the game. (To be frank, I feel as though the game is vastly more PVP-oriented with the recent updates and in truth, ever since the implementation of Legend Extensions the roleplay quality and quantity has plummeted. Not to say there isn't any nowadays, of course! Simply an observation and opinion!)

With this said, I will admit that I'm somewhat disappointed in how the people who were against the petition were have reacted throughout the thread and that you don't seem to grasp the true concept behind why it was made. Bria helped make the petition in hopes of bringing light to people and showing that there is a fair amount of ill-temperament in regards to instances. The only reason I refrain from giving examples is that I'm trying to prevent my head from being bitten off, since quite frankly I know someone will disagree with what I have to say and feel obligated to barge in. As previously stated, all I wish to do is state my wholehearted opinion.

In your reply, you say that we're fine with Egil's metagaming but shun Sarah for her usage of it, which isn't the case whatsoever. From what I've gathered from speaking with a myriad of people in regards to the matter, we simply believe that to say Sarah hasn't used OOC intentions to aid in the matter when there is valid proof that she's admitted to doing this for Fern, to keep Romek from potentially killing Delphia, whom we all know Fern cherishes greatly. It's noble in her mind and a compelling story to tell if it were a fairytale, although this is not the case. I don't feel as though pointing any fingers at the people who organized and signed the contract and virtually telling them that they're in the wrong will honestly do anything. I'm a firm believer in that in order for conflict to arise, both sides must have done something wrong.

Regardless, off to my next point. As I've said beforehand, this contract wasn't solely made to omit what happened between Romek and Sarah's characters, since the people who signed it firmly believe that there are things that should be improved in the SL2 community. I understand that since say, no one reported you about being unhappy with the administrative team's responses, and so on, it doesn't seem that way, but I assure you that some of us simply want our opinions to be heard and acknowledged. You also stated that no one has ever messaged you to inform you of things, but I have at a few odd points to state my matters in hopes of divulging information I felt was unjust. These were never replied to, and it's not so much that it saddens me, but I simply feel a tad disheartened that they haven't seemed to even reach you.

The last is simply a personal peeve of mine that I don't appreciate whatsoever. One of my friends addressed you on the matter, since Chaos' reaction to their plea wasn't very favorable. In all honesty, they should have gone to you first but that can't be changed now so I won't dread. They said what they had to say, gave you the "proof" they had gathered, and that was that. You simply replied by saying something much like you said for this forum, that this matter was blown out of proportion and so and so didn't do anything from. With that said, from what I was told you then promptly mentioned something to them along the lines of: "So and so were doing this, and you knew about it and never said anything about it." They were mystified by this, since they hadn't the slightest clue about what you were going on about and felt as though you were taking their opinion less seriously for such.

In conclusion, I personally find it a sad day when the creator of a game can't sit down and try to wrap their head around every angle of conflict. This petition and thread was only made to reach out to the ones that feel as though this game, one with SUCH great potential, has some room for improvement. Some feel as though there's too much PVP, others dislike the admins (Some from personal experience, some from things they've seen, etc...), some signed just to help their friend (In this case, Romek). All I'm saying is that was discouraged and flustered me most from your reply is that you don't seem to even care whatsoever about all of this effort that was done. Everything was made to show that people were genuinely uncomfortable with things that took place. They wanted a reason to stay, knowing that things were going to improve and not feel so one-sided, as you've seemed to reinforce.

I would like to thank everyone so very much for tossing their two cents along the thread, to Bria for trying to making all of this work, and even for those ex-SL2 players to come on, sign the petition if they could relate, or even disagree wholeheartedly. I only hope that everyone can learn from this, and that no grudges are made. I'm so sick and tired of drama happening for no reason, especially when people like Egil and Sarah are dragged and hassled over something that was blown out of proportion. But honestly? As Bria has said? Maybe it did need to be blown out of proportion, in hopes of people finally acknowledge both sides of the story.

Nevertheless, take utmost care of yourselves and I hope everyone has a wonderful day and/or night. Buh-bye~

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