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AFKing Midbattle
"Exxy" Wrote:There is an Auto-End Turn Preference already (you've more-than-likely seen me use it in battle before, Koonie). . . there are 3 new modes in the new GR????? Way to let that one slip past your radar, Diz. Q_Q

What where--

And yeah. Spar mode, Serious mode and Training mode. (This one is prolly something else, and not related to PvP. I didn't get to poke with it either. Just happened to have a training dummy + experience drilling(forgotthename?) talent tree at max, while Raigen challenged me to PvP, and there it was. 'Serious' 'Spar' and 'Training'.)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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