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Steel Aura!
Uh I don´t know what to tell you spo, but 97 isn´t really high, I mean even Shiva who is a crit whore has 80 Crit evade with a Boneheart aka she has 130 as BK. (She has no faith either)
As a critwhore she has:
102 base (Could be 15% higher when I min max for crit only via vorpal and other hilt)crit+30 attrait and +15 from lowering the enemies Crit evade aka 147% crit top in her normal set up. I don´t know, I don´t think a BK should be flat out immune to Crits(Or the crits weapon effect in this case), it´s hard enough to crit one if they really try to build against that, and then they even have incridible high DR´s should it crit.

I don´t think that should give them a free card against Weapons like Tarnada or what so ever. Not for just 15 FP.

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