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Basically ^. But I'll work on my phrasing next time. And we're at super casual levels of gameplay is the thing. I'm talking Dora the Explorer for PC levels.
"Oh no, you've encountered a Vorpal Rabbit. You can't hit it with a normal attack. Should you try a special attack? -presses macro, z- Fantastico!"

Also addressing the current topic, disrepair wouldn't be so bad if there was a justifiable reward it (and if there was one, it wouldn't be worse than spacey cuz nothing is worse than spacey).
The general strategy for it would be "Bring spare weapons you're willing to break and lose with a bit of backup repair powder in return for being a bit weaker than usual". If you brought your main weapon, you basically asked to lose it. With a decent reward, people would be willing to go through the trouble. This gives throwaway weapons you get in loot a bit more use outside of selling it to a pawn shop or breaking it down for material.

And with that said, a better reward system should also go with that. No reason to have harder dungeons if the rewards are butt, even if the game is super casual. (like a core that won't give items below a certain rarity and the level of the dungeon would determine the minimum rarity)

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