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slide cut
Ultimately I can agree with Sidecut being returned to pre-nerf status but Voltiger receiving a bonus to range every other Rank (1,3,5) instead of each one (1,2,3,etc) seems a step in the right direction as well if we're addressing the range issue.

As it stood (pre-nerf), you could slightly more-than double it's range which gave it a fairly large hit-and-run window that could still pack a punch within the same action (especially when damage-stacked on).

Although the range nerf was probably well-meant (in terms of fixing a technicality) but I honestly think the real issue lies elsewhere (at least in the case of Sidecut). Like I said, I ultimately agree with the OP and am semi-tempted to agree with Soaps on Sillcut (despite it being more situational in most occasions, either in the rare "Checkers" occasion or when comboing Sidecut and Sillcut together).

I also apologize with diverting the thread, but felt it was something that tied into the general topic enough to warrant it.
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