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Runner's expertise
Celerity doesn't do a whole lot as a stat when you compare to to DEF or RES.

For one, anyone wanting to make a hitcheck has already geared for that and usually has a 100% chance to hit anyone but a spellthief maybe.

Secondly, DEF and RES are universal, every class (including spellthief) can use DEF and RES, only a select few classes can use CEL and maybe dodge hit checks made against them.

Thirdly, Autohits exist and will wreck a dodgy's day, but they're usually fine vs tanks because again, DEF and RES are universal.

I think a mobility addition is needed for CEL, similar to wind builds generally having a lot of mobility, anyone with CEL should get the same reward, and by that I mean:

Every 15 Celerity you'll receive +1 move

Due to this, it'll really create a gap in the tank vs dodge matchup in terms of mobility, in which matchups the dodgy one will lose most of the time if they're not running a cheesy build or an extremely meta build at that time, and it'd mostly give a bit of breathing room for dodgy people to do their jobs when vs'ing other players.

Any thoughts?
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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