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Youkai install rebalance
Suggested changes:

Install does not change your racial APT to the youkai's racial APT, but is otherwise unchanged (i.e., FTH and SAN still take a hit, and you're expected to account for these changes in your build).

New skill--

Auto-Install (5 ranks)

Where Mages can often prepare an elemental to inhabit them when hostilities emerge,
Summoners too have developed a similar tactic. At a chance equal to (20*Rank)%, when
starting a battle, the Summoner will be automatically installed with the first Youkai on their
contract list without spending Momentum or FP.

Rank 1: 20% chance
Rank 2: 40% chance
Rank 3: 60% chance
Rank 4: 80% chance
Rank 5: 100% chance

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