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Geist Schritt
To expand on what I meant:

There are a lot of situations where people aren't able to mix up their attack game. Most, if not all of their damage will fall under a single iteration of Geist Schritt. Whether or not that's the fault of the attacker for putting all of their eggs in one basket is debatable -- however, once you also include the fact that Geist Schritt moves the Boxer away from the enemy, and then back into melee range if triggered, it becomes a little murkier. Almost every skill that allows you to attack from range and/or close a gap falls under Geist Schritt Zwei's negation. Hanging, Heaven Kick, Couloir, Shukichi + Geldoren/Light Tomahawk, Orkam Drehen, Forced Move, all find themselves blocked by this. Some ranged skills that aren't basic attacks with a bow or gun will get around Geist Schritt, but won't remove the status since it isn't a basic attack. Without these to spam, you're in bad shape.

To be more concise, it's very difficult to play against someone who uses this skill every turn when you're not one of the lucky few who have a build that splits autohits and basic attacks. Even -if- you decide to walk up and basic attack the boxer who dashed away, you just washed on momentum spent with the guy who set the counter up, and unless you use fleur, that's your entire turn. So in the event you can't damage race Felhook each turn with a normal basic attack, you're shit out of luck. Trying to power through the severe disadvantage to your action economy (4m to 7m, with very few exceptions if you just try to burn through it) is nearly impossible. The most relatable way I can describe this is if Snatch Spell refunded momentum on a steal.

A 2 round cooldown will keep the skill as powerful as it is now against people who can't fight against it. However, because it can't be used every turn, this opens up a way for people to fight back if they do fall into that category. Put up your defensive buffs, heal, back off, do something that isn't wasting your turn and fueling the Dark Storm machine standing 3 tiles away from you. This in turn opens up even more strategy: they keep healing when you Geist Schritt, but this time it was Drei. I hope that answers the question.

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