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Coming off as dickish isn't my intention but Sderg wasn't being very clear. I really don't want to get into it again but if you insist then I guess I will restate my position on this for the millionth time.

SL2 is an RP game. Being able to mule items and then dish them out to your alts as required is not RPing. It directly contradicts RP, because the exchange of goods is entirely OOC between yourself, and yet somehow has an IC benefit to you. You could make the same argument about donation items but since those are a result of support to the game and the items themselves do not offer much if any benefit beyond convenience, it's not that big of a deal.

Your character shouldn't have an OOC armory. Accomplishments another alt of yours has should not directly benefit your character. This is the same reason you aren't allowed to bring your alts into situations where your main is under RP duress and needs a backup army. It's why you're not (supposed) to team up with alts and farm, a rule I know a 'few' people have broken when they know no GMs are on. Without the twinking restrictions, it'd the same as one person having 4x the drops.

For gathering, it'd be like having 4x the stamina (or as many keys as you care to muster, really). And so on. And so on. If you don't think anyone would be such a no-lifer to abuse it to that degree, you'd be wrong. I'm sorry if the system is a little inconvenient at times when you're not trying to game it, but it works the way it does because people have (and would continue to) abuse it if it didn't.

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