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Player Agency: In Airides defense.
"catabur" Wrote:The first bit makes sense since Vintaro just decided to break his character out of jail by partying with his alt in the visitor room. To grind or something, I don't really know.

I'm usually fairly open with introducing people to the prisoner life with my lifer, or just standing around with the prisoner if they have a day-long sentence (as I did with Faker and that weird clown). The only problems I have is with people I don't like OOCly or delve into meme-ish interactions that give people headaches.

If you don't try, you don't know.

The NPC "meta" is more along the lines of common sense. If you tried robbing someone in broad daylight, you just can't expect to get off scott free because no players are around, which clearly means no witnesses, too!!! You're in Cellsvich, the capital of the largest human empire. Or shoot off a gun and expect no one to raise a fuss about that (guns are loud as fuck). That doesn't mean it's impossible, there's still some areas that you could get away with a few things. And some more stealth actions (like pickpocketing) that could be done without a big fuss coming over it.

(raynlyn makes a post that isn't at least two paragraphs long? a miracle)

That's why I told Spo to at least made their guard do more patrolling icly, because well for one, people are going to call foul over the NPC guard crap, even though you're not supposed to ignore them in general, although, people still do. And having an actual guard in the mist of things would help, take the time when Koonie's Vorpal Leporiade(I get this wrong every time, the rabbit people.) attempted to kidnap Lamii's character in the middle of Cellsvich and there were no guards around. (This was before I knew about the @Guard ping in the Discord chat, but bare with me) Krono and a few others had to stop it ourselves, granted it was comical and was great for RP, but still. (Comical being Krono wondering if his chloroform worked or not so he sniffed it himself and passed out only to somehow save the day, yeah, I'm confused on this too.)

So to summarize:

* I would like a more than fair punishment system that's not going to outright kill your character(or anyone's character) for them going to jail X amount of times due to a prank or something minor, however major crimes would be a more harsher punishment to like losing a limb or organ to death. (The Punishment should fit The Crime, so that you'd have to commit another MAJOR offense on top of the shit mountain that is your List of Crimes to be executed, while a minor offense sees you in Prison for the X amount of months. - Flesh Child)

* I guess more guard patrolling and jail RP as a whole for prisoners cause it's already bad enough that it's an ooc isolation from one ooc hour to x amount of months.

* Maybe a reform system? I mean it could work, granted that's what jail is for, but it has to be something like community service.

* (This might be more to the Jail RP bullet) Some people want more to do in the prison like mining or maybe an underground dungeon that leads to no where.
[Image: jBTJOXi.png]

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