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Okay so, Liches are pretty terribad. Especially against anything faster than them/capable of knocking them down.

So lets look at my lich, Konlei.

[Image: b30b0f515a.jpg]

16 defense, 135 HP with Exceptional Health. Lets go further to say that they wear a Bodyguard with 20 defense.

53 CEL, so he might go first, but against a speedster/anyone with decent CEL, not likely.

So lets assume he goes against... a verglas, or even another evoker.

Lets go with Verglas first.

Let's assume this Verglas has a 30 power fist, not hard to get, 70 CEL, also not hard to get if they try, and rank 1 Heaven Kick+Rank 5 Verg stuff.

Well, if PVP breaks out. They'll be able to fly across the battlefield and almost always, immediately, land a HEAVENS kick. This could be quaking, this could be otherwise. Lets assume 10 distance, 10*2+30+5 or whatever damage. 55-36= 19 damage to the Lich. About 1/7th of the Liches HP gone. Then the Verglas follows up with a swift rapid kick. 70+30+20. 120 damage. 120-36 = 86/6=6 kicks of 14 damage.

The lich now has about 32 HP to retaliate, and he hasn't even gotten his turn yet. So, he'll try to dish out as much as he can. Sear, heal. He heals all of his HP back, with ease, and dishes out some damage. however he's still standing next to his opponent.

The opponent then finishes it with RAPID KICK *2, or Axe Kick >Rapid Kick > Rapid Kick or any combination thereupon.

----LICH LOSS----

Evoker vs Lich?

Let's assume 70 WIL Evoker, 25 Power Tome, R5 Magaisendo. R5 Earth stuff.

The lich has 51 Resist this time around, they should be set!

The opponent starts off with a charge mind since they're faster. The lich follows up with the same. However this evoker is a cheap asshole and decides to double cast Magaisendo with his charge mind.

((70+25+23+5)*2.5-51)/2=128.25 Lich is almost dead, Another cast and... Lich is dead.

Liches need .something. anything to balance them out because half-HP is way to detrimental to their survivability in PVP and .definitely. in PVE

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