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A Mass of Curates
Currently, Mass allows, for 1 M and a negligible FP cost, any curate to cast a 1 range spell (or any curate support spell) for the same FP cost as normal, on a very wide area.

I'm not going to say this is necessarily a bad thing, because it allows Curates to do what they do well, support. However, it becomes an issue whenever certain people use this with hordes of allies/npcs/bots. A person, for 10fp and 1m (mass) get to cast GRAFT on a 5 diamond for the same FP cost as someone attempting to cast the same graft on those people.

It saves a ton of momentum and, honestly, should reflect such. I'd like to see mass changed to a toggle skill, much akin to the new eternal flame passive thing. However, to use it you spend 2x more FP on such a large area. Example;

Quickness normally costs 3m, 12fp at max rank.
To cast on 1 person, it'd cost just that.
To cast on 2 people, it would cost 3m and 24fp
TO cast on 3 people, it'd cost 3m and 36 fp.

So on, and so forth. This change will affect a number of different things, starting off with making FP management as a support class more stringent. No longer will you just get to throw out 8 round buffs to your entire team at the start of the fight with pacifist healer then forget about it. Buffing your entire team with, rather significant buffs (See; Quickness, brightness, etc) is huge. It shouldn't cost a piddly 20fp ( of likely 500+ fp ) to heal your team or buff them. That's silly.

Probably an unpopular opinion, but hey, maybe someone will think it's actually fair.

And before you ask, yes. I play a support character. Yes, I realize how bullshit we are.

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