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Wretched Oil - Bane of everything
Honestly, in no right has wretched oil ever been balanced, we've all mostly kept it around because of how efficient of a grind tool it is, it is the very reason why all of Chaos' event monsters pretty much resist earth and why having Earth or Dark resist is actually literally necessary for any team fight or you just get WO'd to death, even inciting times where people could legit just 1v4 by spamming this skill if no resists are hit, time and time again it's come up within the community, never really on balance fu though..

There is one thing correct about this though, it scales too much from defensive stats, 70% Earth and Dark ATK considering both of those are related to DEF and RES, which allows one person to sit still, soak up damage and dish out tons of damage from only 1 square, to everyone on the map.

I don't even know where to start on this skill, a few suggestions would simply be to reduce the earth/dark scaling cause it already hits like a truck, give it the magaisendo treatment and make it scale less in damage the farther enemies are or nerf it's range to 5 only.

Though one thing's for certain I don't think reducing the poison level is anything worth it's salt, Hexers need to inflict powerful status effects to stay thematic with their class theme, which is status effects, not dealing AoE damage to an entire team worth upwards to 200-300 magic damage per cast.


honestly I'd rather just disable this skill for PvP 8-)
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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