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Stillness, Tenacityless [Vampire heal stuff, again.]
Ehh, I can sort of see why it can be a big 'buff' in this case, it would make them on pair with every other race on this perimeter and it would ruin a bit of the 'stillness' part, I have no words against that one self-thought line. (As the guy who tries to be a nuisance about 'this makes sense' in abilities.)

All I have to say is, Lunar Lunatism is in check after the nerf and Holy Enchant leaves a big 'holy' in their torsos, so I thought 'why not?'. But that said, even if minor, it's fair to have their anti-life at the cost of 'never being able to be "normal"'.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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