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The Burn that Keeps Everything Awake
I wasn't making a suggestion about a 2 turn cool down, narcus lvl doesn't keep growing till you spend it, if you don't attack with your narcus lvls every other turn right now in game, it disappears.

Its not a 1:1 damage returner like ether invitation either. If you take 100 damage, you get 100 narcus level, which is 100 fire magic damage that will get reduced by enemy fire resist AND enemy magic armor and Res%. You are lucky if return 80 damage back.

if the enemy has 10 magic armor ( reasonable and could be higher) 10 fire resist (reasonable could be higher) and 30 res ( averagish for non res tanks).
100 down to 90 from fire resist. -10 from armor, 80-30% = 56 damage from 100 taken

now lets say the enemy has 35 fire resist, which is reasonable if they go into the fight suspsecting to take a bit of fire damage and ONLY equipped a flame walker boot. 100 damage-35% to 65, -10 from magic armor, down to 55 (already lower before) -30% to 38.5

Now for posterity I've been able to build into the mid 50's fire resist

Mayella +30% fire resist +5% from flame resistant material
flame walker boots +30% +5%from flame resistant material
decent Sanctitiy

before we do something stupid like adding a cooldown first.

Phase 1 nerf, Remove 2 narcus stacking together.

if this isn't enough for some reason

Phase 2 nerf change the bonus fire damage to physical damage.

Physical damage is tanked alot easier than magical

why ether invitation is better than narcus

doesn't go away at the end of the turn if you don't use it, can be used on EVERY enemy, Isn't inherently elemental damage so you won't lose momentum using it.e

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