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Game-breaking bug! Unbelieveable things happened! (99% game WRECKED!!) [Campfire vs the rest of SL2's battle system ...
I played around with this earlier, and I have some extra information that should probably be cleared up.

-The bug seems to happen everywhere. The trigger is the Campfire Kit being used, and the Campfire being spawned. I've confirmed it as happening on Lordwain and Kysei as well.
-There is no workaround, except to not use Campfires at all. Which means the Camp Meal talent is useless until this is fixed.
-What seems to happen is, Camps seem to be on maps that are reserved for the first instances that are spawned in there. Using the Campfire despawns the Camp. That said, this frees up the map for another Instance, which is, due to the frequency, usually a battle. However, if another instance (such as a BDP) spawns while the camp map is unused, then you can be sent there instead. And yes, if you're thrown into a BDP this way, you can still Plume out and you will be placed outside of the BDP that you were thrown into.
-Not completely sure about this, but every single time I encountered this bug (an absurd number of times by now), I was shot back to the world map every time I logged out after, just as if I'd logged out in the middle of a BDP or a Player Owned House. I've never been 'stuck' there until warped out, but if that's something that happens, then that might be another glitch that's much nastier than this one is, but is 'caused' by this one as well.

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