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Raijin to Popularity
Oftentimes, Lolzy, Battleweight is a non-problem to unarmored characters. Just get the proper talents (+10 battleweight, -weapon battleweight) and you're fine, as long as you're not twohanding. And often low-weight builds are duelist builds, so it's sometimes better to not twohand, and instead just use two weapons. Which, if the weapons are the same type of weapon (sword and sword), you can get the benefit from the talent that lowers weapon weight to be doubly effective.

In any case, if people were willing to go with the meta and spend two bucks to make a build that's better for a new item, that's their fault, not Dev's. Dev should be able to balance items as needed without worrying about people fruiting, even moreso when you can LE and it'll let you reset your stats that way as well. Yes, it'll take time to grind back up, but at least then you didn't risk two dollars on a new, risky item.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]

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