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Raijin to Popularity

There we go. One for Strength too.

Now summing everything I gathered from this topic.

Quote:- Conduiz is broken and needs a nerf. If we never had the Conduiz factor, LUC builds would be more fair, no matter the scaling.

- STR is an useless stat because it gives nothing but damage, while the concept of Strength itself can apply for more than 'just damage'.

- SKI-based Katanas are possible to be a new playstyle, but only if STR factors in the scaling.

- 45+ People will salt globally if this suddenly gets changed from SKI to STR for 'shits and giggles' and STR is not buffed along to make it more valuable and worth the change, just because of 3 people posting in a thread.

- The SKI to STR changes could be 'soothed' if we get a Kazejin (Wind Katana-jin) to substitute the loss of the only SKI-based Katana we have in existence that doesn't depend on STR, which will scale equal to the current Raijin, but CEL instead of LUC.

Anything else, people?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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