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New katanas
As Snake says, this is/was discussed at length in a different thread, over here.

That being said, crits no longer deal a normalized 50% extra damage, like they used to before the stat revamp. Instead, you'll deal damage equal to the natural crit damage of the weapon (110% for Raijin, 130% for daggers, etc) plus guile bonus. For the Raijin, with 40 Guile, that would be 150%.

The actual damage of a basic attack is a bit of a number crunch to calculate, but it doesn't take a genius to determine that 165% Crit damage on a Strength Weapon (Wo Dao) does comparable damage to a 150% Crit damage Raijin once the 50% Lighting ATK is taken into account. Couple that with an extra 20-40 stat points you get to allocate elsewhere (the number is dictated by how much Str would normally be invested in a build with the other swords), and you have an objectively superior weapon.

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