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Roleplay Content Suggestions
This all depends on how the events in question go. Because anyone can host an event, not just the GMs already, so in theory, it'd be safe to assume that GMs would be able to use some of their otherworldly powers to create a more impressive event scheme for those that wish to participate.

This meaning closer to how Space Station Admin Events are held, instead of how I see events on SL2 are held. Though I'm completely supportive of the idea of GMs being allowed to run events. This being said it would help improve the game's quality and remove some of the routine daily things, such as the daily tavern RP, or daily spar RP.

But before any of that can happen, I would like to see some of the characters that don't have the "Rambo" effect, or "Lynch He" syndrome. Some examples I'm talking about can be seen below, though in short, players who undergo the effect of thinking they are always better than everyone and can do everything and save everyone by themselves, with no reason or emotion whiplash. Then to have zero emotional response or lack any response at all from what they've done to said 'antagonist'. Or another popular trend of banding four of the best PvPers known to go out and spark literal manhunts across the country, as if they were Oblivion Guards.

The Rambo Effect
[Image: rambo.jpg]

Lynch He Syndrome
[Image: 201002010_lynch.jpg]

Now back to the topic at hand, going back, I also know that the concept originally talked about was DMs not just GMs being DMs. Which is another thing I would be definitely approving of, as long as the handled issue above is handled. Though as for the process of them as well as some events that's already had happened, I quite enjoy. Some of the bigger things were the times as I've played Kacela, probably a long forgotten Vampire RedTail, who was killed throughout an event. Though I really liked my character, the event was cleanly ran and well played, there was even OOC consent before the death, and even some consultation afterwards regarding the loss. For those who were familiar with that event was the one against the Masks. One that was around for quite some time, and I had a number of characters involved in. Evirine too, was involved for those familiar with my main that I had at the time. And I've seen the entire event to it's fullest, and can say it was well thought out and well executed. A bit grim and dark, but great event! Kudos Ryu!

But if we do get our lovely DM group, I would appreciate to see what they might have to offer, and would be more appreciative if the community could work more as a loving community to help further the game along to where it should go.

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