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Has your confidence really dropped? [Monk skill]
I will say that I am in love with this idea. I think it would be neat to see a skill that offers a tad bit more variety and playability to the Monk class as a whole. This isn't to say that the class isn't unplayed since we all know that it's one of the players' favourites, but substituting a rarely used and extremely situational skill such as Kadouha could prove universally beneficial.

Secondly, and I don't intend on putting anyone in the centre of the stage for this, but the "suggestions" thread of the forums is to offer ideas which can be replied to with support or constructive criticism. If you dislike an idea that is offered, you should emphasize on what can be changed about it or how we can work around it as a collective community instead of dismissing the idea simply out of bias or distaste. (i.e. "This skill doesn't seem suitable for a Monk, but I like the idea as a whole. As such, maybe offer this as a Black Knight offensive skill because they're lacking in variety.)

Once again, not pointing any fingers, but I just know that it's better to discuss and share our opinions as a whole without trying to tear down anyone's ideas or opinions either. It's one thing to say you dislike the implementation of a suggestion, it's another to outright discredit it.

Either way, I'm up for this! It sounds neat and I'd definitely look into implementing. I also agree with the idea of switching Terra Strike and Dragon Gale to Kadouha-like skills in appearance because the idea of dragons and monks don't really fit nearly as much.
Discord: Selfish Gene#0139
[Image: lClrhgZ.png]

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