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Suggestion to the Community
I hate to say it, because I'd very much like to see more roleplaying hotspots than the primary two we have now, but I agree with Soapy and Spoops. Restricting movement is going to have the exact opposite effect of what you'd want. What I want to add to this topic though is to point something particular about Cellsvich out that does actually make it stand out a bit from every other town we have in the game, aside from it being the starting town and all:

There is a very obvious center of town in Cellsvich, which everyone gathers around even if they're slightly distanced away from it and sitting under a tree.

Every other town does not have a center. They're very asymmetrical, which makes them more interesting, but it also makes the commonness of any type of 'gathering' there less likely. There's nowhere in particular you'd look to see if someone's loitering for RP in Lispool, and in return, there's nowhere in particular you yourself would loiter to show your interest to people who might stumble upon you.

In comparison to Cellsvich, try to name the primary place you'd expect to run into anyone in any of the other towns, without relying on obvious game mechanic spots like the blacksmith in Law's End. With Cellsvich, it's immediately the fountain, because it's directly in the center. Even if it wasn't already the go-to, it's just incredibly likely you'd be close to it anyway. On the other hand, you have towns like Tannis and Lispool where there isn't really a single obvious spot (not counting indoors, if you want to point out the church in Lispool), and towns like Oniga and Chatarunga, which are too large and have too many areas you could try to point out for it to be easy enough to find anyone there.

Dormeho is the closest you really get, but that's a case of its own. (Too much navigating the place like a tree with its layout.)

Point being:

No one wants to sit around with a near 0% chance of being found by anyone if they're actually interested in roleplaying with the first person to come along. Cellsvich wins by its geography, in addition to everything else that already puts people there.

"Snake" Wrote:Or you know. A verb like in DU that tells where people are in the game.

Like "where-is-everyone"

And then an input appears with:

X people in Sigrogana.
X people in Kysei.
X people in Lispool.

I can get behind this if it can be done with what's already in place in the game.
[Image: 43061579a09db588952b04fe4c658928.png]

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