09-23-2017, 11:48 AM
"Akame" Wrote:Pretty much this. (Since everyone isn't in favor of my trait idea ;_
CEL/2 against autohits and magic, universal for all, available to unarmored and light armor. Not heavy armor.
I think Rogue's evasion should increase the DR of Universal Evasion by 10-15% at max rank, half if not main class. Swaying as well at a higher percentage minus the main class thing, probably. (Since Kunai hates my trigger chance idea ;_
It's important In-Fighter Gi gets a rework as well since everyone's going to have evasion and lesser evasion would never trigger.
This might lead to Wraithguard needing some looking at since evasion and itself can be stacked again fully.
I think as long as wraithguard remains stealable, and that cat's mask remains as an accessory to use, this will be fine.