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Justified Super EXP
"Neus" Wrote:First of all, saying the game 'isn't fun' is not constructive at all. What about it 'isn't fun'? You don't really go into detail. Secondly, speaking from the perspective of a player who has made dozens and dozens of alts, I think your opinion is going to be a little skewed. If all you want to do is make alts for PvP, then obviously you're going to want to the most efficient method with the least amount of effort involved (or like Blues said, you just want the game to change to suit your needs). This is a very unrealistic and unfair expectation, and I don't think everyone else who feels differently (including me, the developer, and my intentions) should have to give in for it.

And I'm not stating that 'grinding is boring because grinding is grinding'. I've always made efforts to try and improve the game's fun factor when requested. I do feel, however, that progression should be gradual and not tailored towards people who just want instant gratification in an RPG of all things. This is especially true for pockets of rewards that get abused by people AFKing (against level 80 enemies, even). So I'm going to be making adjustments that end that sort of non-playing. I am also interested in making adjustments that will improve the gameplay experience for actual, normal intended play, IE dungeon diving, or roleplaying/side-activities.

I think if you just want to PvP and try out different builds, that maybe there might be a way to have some sort of way to do that in game, without destroying the very fabric of the game's progression. For now I'd rather have the conversation shift towards what and why you find boring, and what would make it more fun and interesting for you.

...I did go into detail. The grinding is not fun. I even said "to clarify" in my post, and I proceeded to clarify that people AFKing and getting EXP is better than the experience of getting EXP in a different fashion. I am not aiming to insult you, but if I need to state things in a summary sentence every time I try to make a point, I shall. The concept of grinding/gaining EXP/getting to level 60 is what's not fun.

And me making alts and PvPing isn't skewed. It really, really isn't- because I haven't done this forever. And, once again: to state things in a summary sentence, not in an attempt to "gain favor" but more as evidence:
From my perspective of former GM, of a player who's spent more than $500 on the game and $100 on just one player house, from the player who caused the "rumors" tab to have a reason to exist, from the player who has had a character been executed and four non-execution deaths...
I did NOT always play like this. My gameplay has TURNED into this. I would say that telling me my opinion is skewed is a slap to the face, but I know you don't play the game yourself so I am fully aware that your opinion is skewed itself.

I was going to offer suggestions on how to fix the problem I stated (grinding/getting EXP is boring), but I was afraid you'd state it as off-topic and my worries would be thrown out the window.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]

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