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Justified Super EXP
Grinding isn't fun for me because it's so far removed from the role-playing experience. Spending time in a maze fighting the same enemies hundreds of times isn't fun for me. Having encounters that feel like a part of my character's daily experience is fun for me, and I can endure thousands if it feels meaningful. That sense of a living, breathing world was why SL1 appealed to me. Barring player characters, what life exists in SL2's world outside of the BDPs? I have to go out of my way to grind, and I don't feel as if any of my actions within a BDP actually make a difference when it comes down to role-play. As far as grinding is concerned, that's what kills my fun. The fact that the grind and the world are separated.
[Image: latest?cb=20131105000551&path-prefix=en]

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